Salary / Fee : From £28, to £30, The budget for the Development Phase of this Project is £30, including VAT.The indicative budget for the Delivery Phase of this Project is £52, including VAT and excluding inflation.Job Type : Freelance This will be a two-part contract : Part I is the Development Phase leading to an assessment by the Heritage Fund.There is then expected to be about a four month pause for the assessment before the Delivery Phase can start.The contract will include a break clause at the end of the Development Phase.Closing Date : 7 / 1 / 25Link / Contact details to applyIf you would like an application pack containing further details please let us know by emailing
- The Closing date for applications is noon on 7 January . Please note that we will wish to interview shortlisted candidates on either the 20 th or 21 st January in person.Holy Trinity Church (aka Kendal Parish Church) are seeking a Freelance Project Manager with experience of projects funded through The National Lottery Heritage Fund to manage part of our exciting project; Kendal Parish Church and Town 1, years of Shared History.Kendal Parish Church (officially Holy Trinity Church Kendal) is one of the largest Parish Churches in England and has a history going back over 1, years. Our project will deliver : urgent repairs to our building – project managed separately by a Conservation Architect;an inspirational and inter-connected programme of activities and interpretation accessible to all about the relationship between the church and town for over 1, years – project managed by this commission.During the Development Phase the Project Manager will assist our Project Board to appoint, and then manage the work of : Interpretation Designer;Activity Planner;Evaluation Consultant;Business Plan and Governance Consultantand write a submission to the Heritage Fund to obtain approval for the Delivery Stage.During the Delivery Stage the Project Manager will : Assist our Project Board in making further appointments of both staff and Freelancers to delivery the agreed activity programme and evaluate the project;Manage the delivery of the activity programme and the creation and installation of the interpretation material;prepare a completion report for submission to the Heritage Fund.Become a member of a supportive and resourceful networkof museum and heritage educators.
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